Monday, December 13, 2010

Tips for selling during the Holidays!

So you have decided to take advantage of the low inventory during the holidays or perhaps you just don't have time to waste?  Here are some tips on how to stage your home so that it shows beautifully during the holiday season:
1.  Curb appeal:  The outside of your home will be the first impression.  Clean up fall leaves, trim overgrown bushes, and be sure that snow and ice are removed from the path and walk ways.  Decorate the outside with some holiday lights and decor, but do not overdo!  Keep it simple and in line with the other homes in the neighborhood.
2. Decorate the interior: Keep the decorations neutral of religious themes and tasteful rather than glitzy.  Do not add large decorations that make rooms look smaller.  A few chosen, tasteful decorator items for each room is best.
3.  Keep the home warm and inviting:  It can be cold this time of year.  The temperature in the home should be kept at a comfortable level.  You can also light the fireplace prior to showings if you have one.  This adds a nice glow to the home.
4.  Bake some cookies prior to a showing and leave some out on a plate for the potential buyers.  This makes the home smell wonderful and gives the showing a welcoming feel.
5.  Plan parties elsewhere:  This is probably not the best time to host parties at your home.  It will create a mess and add more to yourself than you already have going on.
6.  Don't let holiday decor linger:  If you are still having showings after the holiday season, put the decorations away quickly.  No more than 2 weeks past Christmas is a good rule of thumb.
Happy Selling!  For more tips on staging, contact Brandi Herrera.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Debating if you should try to sell your home during the holiday season?

Have you been wondering if the holiday season is a good time to sell your home or if you should wait until Spring?  Here are a few good reasons to sell during the holiday season:

1.  The buyers that view your home during this time are usually serious buyers.  Most people do not look at homes during this busy time unless they are ready to buy or need to buy.  This eliminates people taking a look at your home that are not really in the market to purchase.
2.  The home inventory is down this time of year due to the fact that many people take their homes off of the market.  This gives your home the advantage and a good chance that it will be the one that is chosen for purchase,
3.  The holiday decorations give your home a warm glow and great appeal.  Buyers buy the home they choose on how they feel in the home.  Holiday decorations add a feeling of warmth. 

The holiday season has it advantages in the home selling market!